Publications et conférences
Titre | Parution | Langue | Description |
Liturgisk orgelspill | Stavanger, 1996 | Norvégien | A textbook on organ music |
Voll kyrkje 1896-1996 | Måndalen, 1996 | Norvégien | (joint author with Aa. Wold og A. Bø) On local history and culture, including a section on music |
Joyful Noise? The Why, What and How of music in church. With Foreword by former Archbishop George Carey. | Holy Trinity Press, 2006. ISBN 0-9554393-0-2 | Anglais |
A handbook and rationale on church music
Information |
To Trær | Norvégien |
Subtle word play, double entendres and structural techniques used in the Hebrew Old Testament
do not survive translation, so that the meaning of many of the narratives (for instance in Genesis) is lost.
The whole message of the New Testament rests on the foundations of these narratives.
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Thèse de doctorat
Thomas Chilcot and his concertos | PhD diss, University of Wales | 1991 | Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF) |
Titre | Parution | Langue | Description |
Aspects of keyboard music | Oxford, 1986/92 | English |
Chapter on the development of concertos.
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Titre | Revue | Parution | Description |
William Smethergell, Organist | Musical Times | cxxiv (June 1983), 381-84 |
Detailed biography of hitherto unfamiliar rococo composer
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An eighteenth-century Lichfield Music Society | Music Review | xliv (1983), 83-86 |
The rules, activities and library holdings examined in the light of formerly unpublicised manuscripts, subscription lists, etc.
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Plagiarism, fiddles and tarantulas | Musical Times | cxxv (June 1984), 325-27 |
The story of which pieces of music could cure tarantula bites was circulated for hundreds of years and surfaced in otherwise authoritative works of history, music and medicine.
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Kirkemusikalsk senter på Soltun | Norsk Kirkemusikk | L (February 1997), 18-19 |
Short account of the newly-established Church Music Course Centre at Soltun College
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Articles | The Revised New Grove | (London 1999-2000) | Articles on 18th-century English music |
Articles | Die Musik in Geschichte & Gegenwart | Basel, 1996-2001 | Articles on 18th-century English music |
Fugl i en Fiss, eller katt i en sekk? Orgelkjøpet som gikk bra til slutt. | Norsk Kirkemusikk | L (April 1997), 5-13 |
The building in 1841 and later vicissitudes of a Danish organ casts unexpected light on local history.
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Seraphic Lays': Thomas Chilcot 1707-1766 | Hexachord: The Journal of Early Music Wales | vol II no. 2 (February 2000), 4-13 |
In connection with the publication of a new Chilcot CD, the article examines Chilcot as song composer and throws some new light on his music collection.
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Konferanse om organist- og kirkemusikerutdanningen i Norge; HiT (referat) | Norsk Kirkemusikk | LIII (November 2000), 37-39 |
Report on Tromsø conference on Norwegian church-music training.
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Noen refleksjoner om rekruttering og utdanning av kirkemusikere | Norsk kirkemusikk | liv (February 2001), 4-12 |
Conclusions from several years' work on curriculum and course development.
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Kilder til finansiering av konserter | Norsk kirkemusikk | liv (March 2001), 9-13 |
Local, national and international sources of funding for music festivals and concerts.
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A tale of deception | Choir and Organ | x (January/February 2002) | A historic organ saved from destruction by deception in the 1920s. |
Kirkemusik-konsulent på nordnorsk | Norsk Kirkemusikk | lv (January 2002),12-16 |
An account of the steps taken in Northern Norway to improve recruitment and degree-level training in music, and how this relates to the rest of Norway.
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Taking the lead | Choir and Organ | xii (May/June 2004) 18-21 | Aspects of hymn playing |
Articles | The Organ: An Encyclopedia (ed. Douglas Bush) |
New York: Routledge 2005
ISBN: 0415941741 |
Articles on organ history |
The twelve harpsichord concertos of Thomas Chilcot | Early Keyboard Journal | Vol 23 (2005), 33-66 |
Substantial article on Chilcot's two collections of keyboard concertos
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Kirkemusikk, kultur og kantor | Norsk Kirkemusikk | lviii (August 2005), 12-17 |
An attempt at fundamental definitions of church music and musicians
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Orgelet - et hellig instrument? | Norsk Kirkemusikk | lviii (September 2005), 11-18 |
Must churches have organs?
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Noen tanker rundt salmeseddelen | Norsk Kirkemusikk | lviii (October 2005), 36-40 |
Do hymns have a future?
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Nytt orgel i Nordreisa | Norsk Kirkemusikk | lviii (December 2005), 4-8 |
Consultant's rationale and description of a new organ in Northern Norway
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of books, articles, museum catalogues etc. from Norwegian to Englishcontributed to translation of D.J. Grout's History of Western Music into Welsh for University of Wales
Compositions et éditions
Collections of organ music published by Cantando Musikkforlag in Stavanger, Norway: some works re-published in Germany and Sweden. Also critical scholarly editions of historical works.Edition of William Smethergell's Favorite Concerto (1784) Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF)
"Takksemd" - a cantata for small amateur choir (SAB but mostly unison), solo woodwind and piano/organ, with text by Trygve Bjerkrheim.
First performed in Bjerkreim Church, Norway, 10 September 2010 (MP3 of performance here).
Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF)
Parts available on request.
Wedding song "Alt er gjort i stand til fest" Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF)
Editor, illustrated calendar: Scandinavian organs (Cantando musikkforlag, 1997). With historical information about composers and organ builders.Discours introductifs dans des conférences nationales
- Tromsø, Norway (Conference on course structures, University College Tromsø, October 2000 - Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF)
- Stockholm, Sweden (Conference on training for church careers, organised by the Church of Sweden, 2000)
- Tromsø, Norway (Conference organised by government funding agency. Lecture: "How to write a successful bid for funding e-learning", 2001)
- "Music as a Langue" (Introductory lectures, Keswick Arts Festival, 17 May 2006) downloadable here (PDF file - requires Acrobat Reader).
Autres présentations dans des colloques, conférences, etc.
- Regular guest lecturing at universities and colleges, including Oxford (Faculty of Music and Jesus College), Manchester and Trondheim. (University).
- "The excellent art of voluntary": 18th-century English organ music (NWOA 22.09.84)
- "Anne Dawson's Book" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey, 31.07.85)
- "Bach's Orgelbüchlein" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey 04.08.86)
- "Thomas Chilcot and the concerto" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey, 06.08.86)
- "Thomas Chilcot's music" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey, 30.07.87)
- "Norwegian organ music" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey 25.07.88)
- "Welsh music tutor books 1700-1800" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey, 29.07.88)
- "The organ concerto in eighteenth-century Britain", (British Institute of Organ Studies Conference, 1-4 August 1988)
- "The problems of playing the complete organ works of J.S. Bach" (Boxhill Summer School, Surrey, 05.08.89)
- "Distaw Bach" - 10 lecture-recitals on Bach performance (Prichard-Jones Hall, Wales 1989)
- "Nid chwarae Bach" - 10 lecture-recitals on organ music (Prichard-Jones Hall, Wales 1989)
- "Nodau perfformio'"- 10 lecture-recitals on performance practice (Prichard-Jones Hall, Wales, 1990)
- Lectures at Diocesan and regional events in Norway
- Paper on e-learning methods in music at "Investigating Music Performance" conference (Royal College of Music, London, 12-13 April 2002)
- "The future of church music" (University of York, 8 May 2006) Cliquez ici pour télécharger (PDF)
- "John Stanley" — Lecture-recital (Norwegian organ festival, 12. September 2012)